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Jillian Holtzmann: Fashion Icon

July 19, 2016 at 9:33 am Leave a comment


Its just as the old ones predicted

July 19, 2016 at 8:53 am Leave a comment


I am playing Pokemon Go since they are out in Germany. I visited few most popular PokeStops in city, and it looks like some trainers need more warnings beside being aware of surrounding

July 19, 2016 at 8:15 am Leave a comment


this 👏

July 19, 2016 at 7:56 am Leave a comment


Team Instinct – Me

Team Mystic and Valor – @seigiva

Comic: (FLoaBComic and CollegeHumor)

Pokemon GO – Main Menu Theme

Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies – Keep Pressing On~

You can watch the video version of it here.

I do not own anything, except for the use of my voice!

July 19, 2016 at 7:44 am Leave a comment


Reblog with your Hogwarts house and your Pokemon Go team, I wanna test a theory

July 18, 2016 at 4:21 am Leave a comment


Commission from Tokyo in Tulsa!

My girrrrlllsss. Check this utterly amazing commission I got!!!

July 17, 2016 at 8:44 pm Leave a comment


Welcome to JTV Pokecenter! Please ensure your pokemon are in a carrier, on a leash, or in their pokeballs at all times. Thank you!

Your friendly neighbourhood veterinary clinic is probably the closest thing in real life to a pokemon center, eh? So here are some pics of a few of my patients re-imagined as pokemon. I’ve been meaning to do a mashup like this for a while, but now seems a particularly relevant time.

(And if you ever visit our little clinic with your real life critters, I’ll check out your pokemon as well for free! 😉 )

July 17, 2016 at 8:36 pm Leave a comment


someone captured this gym that had a dragonite on it and replaced it with magikarp

July 16, 2016 at 11:25 pm Leave a comment








How Pokémon Go is creating a barrier for gamers with disabilities

The augmented reality gaming app has taken the internet and world by storm, as people are desperate to catch and collect the characters, making friends and getting fit along the way. But not everyone can fully take part in the cultural phenomenon.

Hope Niantic listens and acknowledges this! The game isn’t even really out of beta yet, so much room for improvement.

I also hope this pop-up community comes forward and helps disabled people participate. All those impromptu pokemon catching parties, shouldn’t be a big deal to organise carpools to get mobility impaired folks out playing as well. Or help people with mental issues like anxiety feel safe going out to catch some. Just like, if you’re going on a group pokemon hunt and can handle helping someone get there and back too, shout it out in the event? 

I got faith in this. I see so many accounts of people having clean, positive gaming fun with Pokemon Go and I really believe most of us will want to share.

I’m gonna reblog again because I see people in the replies going ‘just play normal Pokemon’ or ‘the point of the game is walking so you can’t change that’


Think for a minute about the shit you’re saying

This is the ‘should videogames have easy settings’ debate all over again and as usual, disabled people get the short shitty end of the stick. Just stop and THINK about someone other than yourself for a second. 

If the game gets a setting that allows disabled people to play, and you, despite not needing it, use it to cheat and thus feel dissatisfied with the game, that’s YOUR problem. YOUR fault. YOUR responsibility.

Don’t you think it’s really fucking selfish to insist that a game should NOT cater to millions of physically disabled people who already have extremely limited accessibility to everything in life just because you might be tempted to use the special features to cheat?

Yes. This.

I am physically disabled. I cannot walk more than a few yards at very random intervals. I have the movement radius of an engineless car if I don’t have my motorised bike. I have a wheelchair for travel purposes.

I simply can’t play pokemon go like it’s “meant to”. I would very much like to try to play it eventually, because people seem to have so much fun with it. But as it is now it’s pretty much unavailable.. And snobby nerds gatekeeping doesn’t help either.

Hey guys! My friend is currently in a wheelchair because of a pretty bad car accident and she was upset that she couldn’t play. However! If you email Nintendo with some proof of disability (she used a handicap parking sign), they will change the settings on your game so that the Pokemon will come to you!

Hope this helps!

I wasn’t able to read the whole thing but that last comment ^^


Also if you have a friend who is in this situation- be their car buddy! My coworker slow drove his wife around town so she could play. Seems to register cars going under 15-10mph so go slow drive your friends who cannot get out otherwise!

July 16, 2016 at 4:41 pm Leave a comment

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